Top 9 Symptoms of Spine Injury

         The spinal cord is the most important structure in our body. It contains all the nerves that carry messages from our brain to the body and vice versa. The spinal cord passes through the back of our body from the neck down. Spinal cord injuries are extremely serious injuries that cause permanent loss of movement at the site of the injury.

There are many signs and symptoms of a spinal cord injury which includes:

Deformation of spine

If the patient is lying on the ground on his back in an awkward position such as a tilted head in an unusual position, it may be due to a severe spinal injury

Head injury

Patients with severe head injuries such as depression in parts of the skull are assumed to have injured their spine.

Spinal pain
Any pain in the spinal region whether localized or defused may indicate spinal injury and special attention is required.

Bruises and cuts

If there are bruises, cuts or wounds over the spinal region, it is an indication that a spinal injury may have occurred.


Numbness or paralysis at parts of the body indicates that an injury to the cervical spine has occurred. The patient will often feel weak and loss of ability to move the limbs. Check the areas affected and whether does it affects just the upper or lower body.

Loss of bladder and bowel control

Patients with spinal injury often lose their bladder and bowel control. Nerves control our bladder and bowel control and patients who suffered spinal injury are unable to know that their bladder are full and thus will cause their bladder to empty by itself.

Irregular reflexes

The body's reflex functions are controlled by our nerves. As such, any irregularity observed indicates a spinal injury.


After an injury to the spinal cord, scar tissues will form, disconnecting the nerve cells at the injury site from the brain. As a result, the nerve cells which control our muscle activities are affected, causing spasticity.

Sexual dysfunction

              When our brain processes sexual thoughts, it sends signals through our nerves down to our penis. However, in the presence of a spinal injury, the nerves that control our ability to have an erection are injured, causing the inability to have an erection.

               Depending on the severity of injury suffered to the spinal cord, the paralysis can be complete or incomplete. Despite the advancement of medical technology, there is still no cure for spinal injuries. Thus, prevention is the best option available. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect our spinal cord.

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